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*Maximum discount: USD 50. The discount code and usage terms will be provided in the registration confirmation email.
How to Register for NuForum?
NuForum shares the same account as the Nuvoton website (
- If you are not yet registered as a Nuvoton website member:
Please click the "Login in/ Join" button at the top right corner of NuForum. The system will redirect you to the Nuvoton website to complete your membership registration. After filling out the required information and submitting it, you will be directed back to NuForum to set your username.
Note: You must complete the username setup to successfully register for the forum and activate your forum membership privileges. - If you are already a Nuvoton website member:
Please click the "Login in/ Join" button at the top right corner of NuForum. The system will redirect you to the Nuvoton website for login. Use your Nuvoton website account and password to log in. After logging in, you will be directed back to NuForum to set your username.
Note: You must complete the username setup to successfully register for the forum and activate your forum membership privileges.