[MA35D0] Edge Device Web Server Example on Linux

, Jul 29, 2024|
  • Application: The example code shows remote monitoring and control via a web interface, using Node.js and HTML5 for real-time updates on system metrics and device management across multiple units.
  • BSP Version: Linux-5.10.x
  • Hardware: NuMaker-IoT-MA35D0 V1.0
The purpose of this example code is to provide the use of Node.js and HTML5 for constructing a remote-control interface within the system. This example code facilitates a connection through a web browser to deliver live updates of system statuses, such as the device's IP address, UID, CPU load, memory capacity, along with I/O status and controls. Additionally, it provides the capability to monitor key events and conduct remote LED controls. This example features its support for inter-device information sharing amongst multiple MA35D0 evaluation board (EVB) units, enhancing collaborative operations and management.

You can download the sample code at https://www.nuvoton.com/resource-download.jsp?tp_GUID=EC012024071905584265