I am using MS51PC0AE mcu for pwm code and i want to change duty cycle at run time but in my harware code in not working
propely can you guide me how to solve this issue ,second this i can send data from Uart also
my code :
#include "MS51_32K.h" // Include header for MS51 microcontroller
// Function to set the PWM duty cycle dynamically
void setPWMDutyCycle(unsigned int dutyPercent) {
unsigned int dutyValue;
unsigned int periodValue = 0x03FF; // Assume a period of 1023 cycles
// Ensure the duty cycle percentage is between 0 and 100
if (dutyPercent > 100) dutyPercent = 100;
// Calculate the actual duty cycle value based on the percentage
dutyValue = (dutyPercent * periodValue) / 100;
// Update the duty cycle registers for the PWM channels
PWM1C0H = (dutyValue >> 8) & 0xFF; // High byte of duty cycle for PWM1 CH0
PWM1C0L = dutyValue & 0xFF; // Low byte of duty cycle for PWM1 CH0
PWM1C1H = (dutyValue >> 8) & 0xFF; // High byte of duty cycle for PWM1 CH1
PWM1C1L = dutyValue & 0xFF; // Low byte of duty cycle for PWM1 CH1
// Load the new values
// Simple delay function
void delay(int ms) {
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < ms; i++)
for(j = 0; j < 1275; j++);
int duty = 0;
void main(void) {
// Initial PWM setup
PWM0_ClockSource(PWM_FSYS, 8); // Set PWM0 clock source
ENABLE_PWM0_CH0_P12_OUTPUT; // Enable PWM output on P1.2 (channel 0)
P12_PUSHPULL_MODE; // Set P1.2 to push-pull mode
// Enable PWM channels and set the period
PWM1PH = 0x03; // Set PWM period high byte (e.g., 1023 cycles)
PWM1PL = 0xFF; // Set PWM period low byte
// Start PWM
// Set initial duty cycle to 1%
// Main loop to change duty cycle at runtime
while (1) {
ENABLE_PWM0_CH0_P12_OUTPUT; // Enable PWM output on P1.2 (channel 0)
// For demonstration: Increase duty cycle from 1% to 90%
for (duty = 1; duty <= 90; duty += 10) {
setPWMDutyCycle(duty); // Change duty cycle dynamically
delay(500); // Simple delay to observe changes