[M460] HSUSB Virtual Multiple Serial Port

, Sep 25, 2024|
  • Application: This example code describes how to use the M460 HSUSB virtual multiple serial port.
  • BSP Version: M460_Series_BSP_CMSIS_V3.00.002
  • Hardware: NuMaker-M467HJ_V1.0

This example code introduces the use of M460 high-speed USB to virtual multi-channel serial port (VCOM) for high-speed data acquisition of multi-channel serial port, and describes the differences between high-speed and full-speed USB, and how to identify the correspondence between device names and hardware.

- Similarities and differences between high-speed USB and full-speed USB (why to use HSUSB to virtual serial ports)
- The type of USB serial port device
- How to identify the correspondence between device names and hardware

You can download the sample code at https://www.nuvoton.com/resource-download.jsp?tp_GUID=EC012024091005405892