[M2L31] Receiving Variable Length Data by LPUART in Power-down Mode

, Jul 02, 2024|
  • Application: This example code implements receiving data of variable length through LPUART in Power-down mode, and then wakes up the MCU for data processing. This realizes the operating characteristics of M2L31 low power LPUART.
  • BSP Version: M2L31_Series_BSP_CMSIS_V3.00.000
  • Hardware: NuMaker-M2L31KI V2.1

This example code will demonstrate how to use M2L31's LPUART and LPPDMA to receive data of variable length in Power-down mode, and then wake up the MCU. The MCU will process the data and then enter Power-down mode again, and so on. This reduces system power consumption.

You can download the sample code at https://www.nuvoton.com/resource-download.jsp?tp_GUID=EC012024061706154558