[M467] Secure ISP with Key Store

, Jun 24, 2024|
  • Application: This example code is a security application for the M460_ISP_HID. After downloading encrypted firmware via the ISP Programming Tool, the M467 uses the AES crypto engine and Key Store to decrypt the firmware content and perform updates to the APROM, thereby completing a secure download process.
  • BSP Version: M460 Series BSP CMSIS V3.00.002
  • Hardware: NuMaker-M467HJ V1.0

This example code allows users to perform firmware updates via the USB_HID interface. Users can first encrypt the firmware using Nuvoton's CryptoTool, then use the Nuvoton NuMicro ISP Programming Tool to write the encrypted firmware to the NuMaker-M467HJ. Upon successful reception, the M467 will invoke the decryption API within the XOM, leveraging hardware encryption accelerators and a 256-bit AES key stored in the Key Store Flash to decrypt the encrypted firmware. Subsequently, the firmware will be written to APROM to complete the entire update process.

You can download the sample code at https://www.nuvoton.com/resource-download.jsp?tp_GUID=EC012024062102233115