[N9H20 Non-OS] How to utilize GB2312 font encoding?

, Jan 08, 2021|
Nuvoton added GB2312 font encoding support and here are the steps:

0. You need a font data contains GB2312 font.
Please note that Nuvoton emWin feature does not come with any fonts or a permission or license to use any PC installed font for converting purposes. It is user’s sole responsibility to not infringe upon any third party intellectual property right by making use of the fonts in its application and obtain a license if required by the legal owner of the font.

1. Download the latest N9H20 BSP https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/N9H20_emWin_NonOS version v6.10f.6.
How to check version? Please refer to the link https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/N9H20_emWin_NonOS/blob/master/BSP/ThirdParty/emWin/Include/GUI_Version.h
#define GUI_VERSION 610066
2. Enable GB2312:

// Init emWin
// Enable GB2312
3. Assign ASCII font data offset: (*if needed*)

// _acFontDataArray is your font data in c array
// _u32AsciiFontDataOffset means the first ASCII font data offset, e. g., 0x00000000
NVT_GUI_SetASCIIOffset((U32)_acFontDataArray, _u32AsciiFontDataOffset);
4. Assign GB2312 font data offset:

// _acFontDataArray is your font data in c array
// _u32Gb2312FontDataOffset means the first GB2312 font data offset, e. g., 0x00000800
NVT_GUI_SetGB2312Offset((U32)_acFontDataArray, _u32Gb2312FontDataOffset);
What is "_acFontDataArray"? This file could be ASCII + GB2312, e. g.,

unsigned char _acFontDataArray[8888UL + 1] = {
  0x00, 0x00, ...
5. Set font name:

// GUI_MyFont is a user defined font that utilizes emWin font structure
What is "GUI_MyFont"? It is a user defined font with emWin font structure, e. g.,

// Please note that it supports "GUI_FONTTYPE_PROP" ONLY!
6. Draw GB2312 font:

// If your IDE & compiler support GB2312 font encoding:
// Or utilize hex code:
// The first byte 0xb0 is "区码" & the second byte 0xa1 is "位码"
// 0xb0, 0xa1 equals 啊
// Another example:
GUI_DispString("Hello! World~\xb0\xa1""GB2312 test OK!\n");