There is a BME680 on NuMaker-IoT-M263A board, so we provided this example to read it.
However, it is easy to apply to other NuMaker IoT board if BME680 has connected to I2C pins.
Import this example to your tool (Mbed Studio, CLI, or Keil Studio Cloud)
Select target board to NuMaker-IoT-M487
Build it.
Replied Jul 24, 2023
Silly me!
I misunderstood. There is no BME680 on the M487. I was confused by the schematic diagram that shows U7 is connected to the processor.
BUT, U7 does not exist on the NuMake_IoT_M487. The location is un-populated.
So, close this request for support.
Replied Jul 24, 2023
I guess I pose the question.
Are Nuvoton going to populate the M487 with U7, giving it the BME680 sensor capabilities?????
Replied Jul 24, 2023
The current NuMaker-IoT-M487 board is version 1.3. So far as I know, there are no plans for updates in the near future. Therefore, the BME680 will not be placed on the board.
Replied Jul 25, 2023
If you look at the v1.3 PCB you can see that there is a space and the pads for the BME680. For some reason the PCB was not assembled with that part placed in position U7.
So, it does not require a board revision from what I can see. Unless there are missing some I2C wire pull-up resistors, as I could not see any on the schematic published in UM_NuMaker-IoT-M487_User_Manual_EN_Rev1.01.pdf
Replied Jul 25, 2023
I carefully soldered a BME680 to the M487 PCB and got it working, using
I2C i2c(PD_0 , PD_1); defined in my code.
I have now engineered a daughter board which is Arduino Uno compatible. Your datasheet (UM_NuMaker-IoT-M487_User_Manual_EN_Rev1.01.pdf) shows that pins PG_1 (SDA) and PG_0 (SCL)
are wired to I2c0 port. But when I try and call the interface I get no signals sent out (I monitor with a logic analyser). The pins are correct, but no signals are detected on the i2c pins.
I2C i2c(PG_1 , PG_0); // Used inside the BME680 Mbed Lib. f for Frontpanel PCB v5
What am I doing wrong?
Replied Jul 05, 2024
I have figured it out, but still have a question.
I need pullup resistors on the I2C_SDA and I2C_SCL pins in the arduino connector.
BUT, I should be able to these pins to have a pullup resistor programmed inside Mbed.
I have tried
DigitalOut sdaDummy(I2C_SDA, PullUp);
DigitalOut sclDummy(I2C_SCL, PullUp);
I2C i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); // Used inside the BME680 Mbed Lib.
This does not work. I have tried to use
I2C_SDA.mode(PullUp); but this creates an error during compile "Unknown type name I2C_SDA"
I guess I will need to add external pull resistors to my PCB.
Can anyone suggest a work around, please?
Replied Jul 06, 2024
The M487 microcontroller has internal pull-up/pull-down resistors, but these are limited to certain GPIO modes. When the pins are switched to I2C mode, the internal pull-up/pull-down functionality is no longer available. Therefore, mixed use is not possible.