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FAQ_MA35_Family_Disable U-Boot and TF-A Booting Log by Buildroot

Posted: 23 Apr 2024, 16:54
by ytliu6
Follow the steps below to disable the log output from U-Boot and TF-A.

1. Open the necessary U-Boot configurations by running the following command

Code: Select all

# make uboot-menuconfig

Console  --->
[ ] Console recording 
[*] Add functionality to disable console completely
()  Board specific string to be added to uboot version string
(4) loglevel
[*] Support a silent console
[*]   Only silence the U-Boot console
[*]   Changes to the 'silent' environment variable update immediately
[*]   Allow flags to take effect on relocation
[*] Don't display the console devices on boot

Start-up hooks  --->
[*] Call board-specific init before relocation
2. Add the following function to the ma35d1.c file

Code: Select all


int board_early_init_f(void)
	return 0;
3. Modify the TF-A log level to disable all logs except emergency errors by editing the file at the following path

Code: Select all


# Build option to add debugfs support
DEBUG			:= 1
4. Rebuild U-Boot and TF-A, and then rebuild the whole image by running the following command:

Code: Select all

# make uboot-rebuild arm-trusted-firmware-rebuild && make
#MA35 #Booting Log