FAQ_MA35D1_Clean Systemd Cache and Log

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07 Apr 2023, 17:19

Running certain applications may result in a large amount of cache and logs being stored in the /run/log/journal and /var/run/journal directories, which can consume a significant amount of disk space and potentially cause system errors. To address this issue, you can limit the size of the systemd logs or clean up older logs using the journalctl command.

To clean up the systemd runtime log created before 10 seconds, you can use the following command:

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journalctl --vacuum-time=10s
To limit the systemd log size to 16 MB, you can modify the /etc/systemd/journald.conf file as follows:

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vi /etc/systemd/journald.conf SystemMaxUse=16M
After modifying the configuration file, you should restart the systemd journal service using the following command:

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systemctl restart systemd-journald
This will ensure that the changes to the systemd journal's configuration take effect immediately.

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