[M252] Ping-pong test on NuMaker-LoRaD-M252 board

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Joined: 28 Apr 2017, 22:47

14 Aug 2023, 17:53

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The NuMaker-LoRaD-M252 is a development board designed for LoRa applications. It features a Reyax RYLR890 or RYLR400 module with a Semtech SX1276 RF chip. It offers both Mbed OS and non-RTOS NuLoRaNode versions for LoRaWAN development. NuLoRaNode is a port of open-source examples provided by Semtech.

For RF communication verification, a simple ping-pong program is a good way. Although Semtech's development package includes a ping pong example, it's not fully ported to NuLoRaNode. Please download the attached zip file
(15.14 KiB) Downloaded 1460 times
and follow these steps to create a Keil MDK project for the ping pong example, then compile it.:
  1. Open the Windows Command Prompt.
  2. Download NuLoRaNode using the git tool:
  3. Change directory to .\NuLoRaNode\NuLoRaMac\src\apps
  4. Save and unzip the attached zip file in the apps directory.
  5. A ping-pong directory will appear in the apps directory.
  6. Change directory to .\ping-pong\board\NuMaker-IOT-M252\KEIL. Click ping-pong.uvprojx to open it in Keil MDK.
  7. Compile and flash to two NuMaker-LoRaD-M252 boards. LEDR1 on both boards will flash when the ping-pong operation is successful.
The current code is set for SX1276 in FSK mode (define USE_MODEM_FSK). You can also set it to LORA mode (define USE_MODEM_LORA) and choose the LoRa region (e.g. REGION_US915) in Keil's project options => C/C++ tab => Defines

Enjoy it.

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