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printf("Hello World\n"); //fails to print on Linux.

Posted: 21 Dec 2022, 09:33
by nanoController
Though the helloWorld project does compile on Linux, and does burn to the target, I never saw it print on serial. I had to go to Windows to see that print. (I used putty on Windows.)
This is despite the fact that VCOM pins 1-2 were set to On, on the mini-debugger, and the latter's usb connection was clearly used by openocd to burn to the target.
(N.B. though openocd is supposed to talk to a local gdb -- typically for talking to a remote, gdb server, on a remote target -- its sole route to the eval board is via the mini-debugger's usb port. I've not looked at openocd in a few years, so I don't know/recall its mechanisms.)
(BTW, semihosting did not help.)
I used
minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200
to watch the printf, as ACM0 was created when I connected the mini-debugger' s usb (which runs at 115200 baud rate, 8n1) to the development host's/PC's usb port. But I saw nothing.
I don't know why this failed. I checked numerous options within eclipse, to no avail.
This is not a huge issue for me, as I should be able to wire directly to the uC's tx/rx pins, but it was annoying that an example project did not print.

Eclipse, Debug Configurations, Indexer

Posted: 21 Dec 2022, 09:53
by nanoController
Some quick notes on eclipse, which I'd not used in years.
Eclipse has an annoying Indexer which insists upon parsing (and, seemingly, compiling) all the files under your project tree! Disabling it has not quite worked. I tried
eclipse > project name > Properties > C/C++ General > Indexer
then enable
Enable Project Specific Settings
whcih then allows you to disable
Enable Indexer
To compile
eclipse > Project > Build Project
To (compile and) burn to the target, as a debug (ie non-release, ie development) build,
eclipse > Run > Debug Configurations > GDB Nuvoton Nu-Link Debugging > helloWorld Debug

then click the 'Debug' button at the bottom right. Or some such a procedure, IIRC. In brief, you need to go into Debug Configurations.
(I've not yet looked much into Launch Configurations. There is also Perspectives, but that has to do with IIRC debugging.)

Re: Setting up a Nuvoton Nu-Maker-M032SE

Posted: 21 Dec 2022, 13:39
by wclin

We can't reproduce the helloworld can not print issue. It is fine in my testing.

I use IDE and code repository is in github.

(1) NuEclipse_V1.02.021_Linux download hyperlink: ... 1608014594

(2) M031 BSP repository on github:

I also record my steps in the video clip.
Hope it can helpful.