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Sample Project file location:

Posted: 11 Oct 2018, 12:17
by SoSo_ynak
Where is the sample project file " Smpl_NuTiny_200.uvproj" described in the "UM_NuTiny-SDK-NUC220_EN_Rev1.00.pdf" section 3.4?
I bought the NuTiny-SDK-NUC220 board and download the Nuvoton-Eclipse tools.
I want to check briefly the tools and system reviewing the whole procedure(coding/compiling/linking/uploading/debugging) according to the manual PDF.
The reason why I'm fussy about the "LED blinking program" is good for checking/learning my procedure.
Kindly anyone tell me the location? or upload it?

Sample Project file location

Posted: 03 Feb 2019, 19:13
by Reidisse
is there any one can give me a sample ipivideo file?
i want to do some tests with ipi mocap studio