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[N9H26 Non-OS] How to create bitstream.264 and bitstream.txt

Posted: 18 Apr 2024, 13:37
by 9chuckyoung
1. download free tool FFmpeg, Windows version link
2. select "release builds" -> "ffmpeg-7.0-essentials_build.7z"
3. ffmpeg.exe -hide_banner -i input.mp4 -sn -an -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -level 30 -refs 1 -s 800x480 -r 20 -f h264 -t 5 bitstream.264
3.1 create a raw h.264 file, 5 seconds, 20 fps, 800x480 for N9H26 HW H.264 decoder (copy to SD card \H264\pattern\)
4. ffprobe.exe -hide_banner -show_packets bitstream.264 > bitstream264.txt
5. python
5. 1 create a bitstream.txt (copy to SD card \H264\info\)